Amrita Nadi
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Blessings – 1995, 2017
i remember when i first came to KTD many years ago, i was trying to get all the teacher/newbie protocol down and it seemed to me, not doing so well.
One day, i was walking up the back stairs in the old building, and just as I got to the top, Rinpoche was there ready to walk down the hall. Instead of stopping and letting him pass, i walked right in front of him to my room. Eek! i knew i had made a big mistake, and vowed to really work on showing him respect.
In the next two weeks though, it seemed whenever i tried to do something for him, i failed. i was growing frustrated, and then i saw my opportunity. Rinpoche was coming down the Green Tara Shrine Room stairs to the courtyard by himself, heading toward the kitchen (in old building), and i was just coming from front of Main Shrine Room. I had plenty of time to get to the door to hold it open for him.
But it seemed no matter how fast i ran, i just could not catch up to him. Then, just as he got near the kitchen door, i made an extra spurt – i knew i could do it! and got there just in time for Rinpoche to open the door for me!… with that impish smile of his.
From that day on, the whole protocol thing just never mattered.
Now it is 2017, twenty-two years later, and through the years, we have become close as i finally “got” some of his wise teachings. i am on retreat at Karme Ling, KTD Retreat Center, Rinpoche’s home. He is sitting on a bench on the little front porch, and i am sitting on a chair across from him – barely two feet away..We just sit in silence, i am basking in the blessing of just being with him in that beautiful silence, the main way we communicate.
Suddenly he says, “Going inside.” And i jump up, “I will open the door for you Rinpoche.”
He motions me away, but i laugh and grab the door handle and Ta Dah! Open the door for Rinpoche!
He goes inside the open door, smiling.
Khenpo Chenno!
Thank you dear Rinpoche for opening so many “doors” for so many of us through the years! i know that wherever we are your kindness, wisdom and compassion will always be with us.