Lama Tom Broadwater
The story of the Rinpoche’s PRUNE
While in retreat from ‘08 to ‘12, we retreatants had the pleasure of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche’s lunch time visits. On these occasions, we were amazed how Rinpoche could anticipate our “temperature”. (Yes, we could run hot and cold.😀)
On one particular day, when we were a bit down, Rinpoche entered the dining area with a prune stuck to his nose. Utterly silly and incongruous! And of course, we laughed. As a consequence moods lightened and we relaxed into the meal. Before he left, he pulled out three prunes from his winter coat pocket giving each one of us a prune.
I have kept the prune to this day. In fact, the prune is on my shrine as a “relic” of that day.
Rinpoche spoke little English. His words were mediated by translators. Fortunately most of these translators were impeccable. But in the absence of words, his most meaningful communication was …direct and often physical… an exaggerated raised brow, a wink, a smile, a large gesture, a funny walk… a prune. In these ways he could be so wordlessly expressive.
Rinpoche’s humor was never meaningless frivolity. He was always teaching. So what was his message that day? What he said to me was: When you feel grim…lighten up! Don’t take yourself so seriously. The self-imposed burdens of solemnity and self importance are heavy. Drop them! ( Yes… picture of actual Rinpoche Prune below)