Narrated by a young lady from Montreal
Rinpoche and Me Story
This Amitabha retreat (December 26th, 2013) is my first time meeting Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche. What brought me here is a picture I found on internet 52 weeks ago.
… what brought me here is a picture I found on internet 52 weeks ago, showing Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche holding a small finger puppy. It caught my eyes right away and I had this thought that “I really want to meet him!” and that is why I am here now. Curiously, this picture had been taken one year ago by my friend Stephanie Colvey, fact of which I realized during the retreat while talked with her about how all is interrelated.
During the retreat sessions, I had many visions but two of them were more vivid. In the first one during the day, I saw a little white dog with long hair around its eyes. The second one was repetitive and a little bit unpleasant showing disturbing images. At the beginning I thought these images were only a product of my imagination and I did not pay too much attention.
We knew that Rinpoche like toys so we brought him one. Finally, my boyfriend and I managed to have an interview with him thanks to Stephanie. As soon as we entered his room, our ears felt a pressure and became clogged like when an airplane is taking off. Then I realized everything surrounding us disappeared, except Rinpoche, who somehow appeared so unrealistically huge. Also there was a very intense brightness in the room. Just after our entering, Rinpoche smiled at me and when I looked at his eyes, they seemed to say “Oh! You finally come to me!” I was overwhelmed with joy and had the urge to hug him and kiss him all over his cheeks. I was obsessed with the feeling that it was him who had saved me from, if not a dog, must be some kind of being living in a lower realm similar to the disturbing images I had in my visions.
Below: December 31st, 2013 – The picture that caught her eyes and heart. Photo by Stephanie Colvey
On the final day of the retreat, when I approached Rinpoche during the khata offering, I told him through my thoughts: “Thank you Rinpoche for saving me and for being here with me”. Immediately he smiled as if he could read my mind.
Back home, I have felt very connected to him like if he could talk to me and also I have dreamed him many times.
Now, I have definitely “fallen in love” with Rinpoche. I just wish I can move closer to him.
Below, the photo of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche by Stephanie Colvey
我們知道仁波切喜歡玩具,就給他帶了一個。多虧了斯蒂芬妮,我和我的男朋友有機會拜見了他。我們一進入他的房間,耳朵就感覺到一種壓力,就像飛機起飛時那樣被堵住了。然後我意識到我們周圍的一切都消失了,除了仁波切以外。不知何故,他顯得如此不切實際的巨大,房間裏也異常明亮。就在我們進入後,仁波切對著我微笑,我看著他的眼睛,它們似乎在對我說“哦!你終於來找我了!”我欣喜若狂,很想擁抱他,親吻他的臉頰。我癡迷於這樣一種感覺: 是他救了我!如果不是從一只狗的話,那一定是從某種生活在一個更低世界的有情,類似於我在幻覺中看到的那個令人不安的畫面。在閉關的最後一天,我在獻哈達接近仁波切時,在心裡默默對他說:“謝謝仁波切您救了我,也謝謝您和我在一起”。他立刻笑了,就好像他讀懂了我的心思。回到家,我覺得和仁波切很有聯繫,就像他能和我說話一樣,而且我也多次夢到他。現在,我肯定已經“愛上”仁波切了。我只希望能離他更近些。2013年12月31日由一位來自蒙特利爾的年輕女士講述。正是這幅由斯蒂芬妮·科維拍的照片吸引了她的目光和心靈。