Nathan Tice
I heard a story,
over lunch at Karme Ling,
once when i was there.
I heard a story,
over lunch at Karme Ling,
once when i was there.
The gentleman there,
who offered me the story,
helped build KTD.
He had been working,
planing the hardwood floor boards,
for the shrine room floor.
He recalled that he,
had been mad about something,
while he was working.
The planer was loud,
so he was wearing earplugs,
as well as earmuffs.
While he was working,
Khenpo Karthar approached him,
and handed him boards.
He explained to me,
that within a few minutes
his anger was gone
He didn’t know why
or what it had been about
and couldn’t recall
He was mad before
and Rinpoche came to him
and then he wasn’t.