Tom Van Waardhuizen
Even a Few Brief Encounters Were Enough to Significantly Change the Course of My Life
My first time meeting Khenpo Kharthar Rinpoche was during a winter weekend retreat led by Lama Tashi Dondrup on an introductory topic – possibly the four foundations of mindfulness. It snowed 3-4 feet that weekend. Our cars were inaccessible and nobody could have left, but nobody wanted to. It was so cozy knowing we were locked within our refuge.
After the teachings, I had an interview with Khenpo Kharthar. I mentioned to him that I’d been exploring Buddhism, had done some Zen practice, was curious about Tibetan practice but still uneasy about refuge. As I talked, our eyes locked and his eyes slowly turned to gold. I stopped talking and we sat together in what felt like a warm embrace. That was it – then I left.
I never followed him as a teacher, but he was always in my mind. He filled a few statues I pray with every day. I moved to California and followed other lamas.
Fast forward to the last North American Kagyu Monlam in NYC. I was attending the final night of the Monlam and had the good fortune to be seated across the aisle from Rinpoche there in his wheelchair with his attendant. I asked if I may approach, and of course they enthusiastically welcomed me over. I offered him a scarf and he touched his forehead to mine for what could have been an eternity. He clasped my hands and smiled the same smile. As we separated, my entire body was alive with tingly awareness-energy that lasted a long while.
We were blessed to encounter Khenpo Kharthar Rinpoche — even a few brief encounters were enough to significantly change the course of my life.
Thank you for the opportunity to recall and express these memories.