He Never Forgot
Khenpo Rinpoche’s connection time children was magical. They loved him and he gave them so much...
Faster than the Speed of Thought
Rinpoche was on the road with two of his students heading to a teaching in another state. On the way to checking into the hotel for the night, Rinpoche got a phone call that a student, let's call her Sue, was very ill and requested Rinpoche to please stop and visit her.
Sew Good
Here is Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche at Karme Ling in 1993-4. He stayed at the men's retreat building when he was there.
Take the World in a Love Embrace…
With Khenpo Rinpoche, the joy never stops. When a student brought his impressive motorbike to KTD, well, the moment was perfect for some photos. (BTW, that quotation “take the world in a love embrace” is from an old rock’n’roll anthem, “Born to be Wild....”)
Did you know that Khenpo Rinpoche was born in a Mouse Year?
He shared many stories in the past about his relationship with "tsi-tsi," the Tibetan word for mouse.
Sometimes His Gifts Were Wonders – Sam’s Warning
Being in more than one place at a time, knowing the unknown, finding compassion in the most dire of circumstances...
Contribute a Story!
We know that Khenpo Rinpoche changed our lives for the better. Do you have a story to share about how he changed your life? There’s no time like to present to share it with us! Instructions are at the link below.