

The Beginning of the End

July 21st, 2020|

By Michael Erlewine - Here are more words of my dharma teacher of 36 years (the Ven. Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche) that I find very useful. This time Rinpoche was talking with a student.

Rinpoche and My Family

June 24th, 2020|

Tari Estridge - I was a very lucky little girl. My father, John Estridge and mother Renee had been Buddhists since the mid 70’s. He was very close to Khenpo.

Rinpoche’s Chaplains

May 7th, 2020|

Khenpo Rinpoche had great appreciation for counselors and therapists, saying they had great patience in listening to people's problems and difficulties. And when some of Khenpo Rinpoche's students asked if they could train to become hospital and hospice chaplains, he agreed and gave them blessings to help the dying and the sick.

  • Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche's Birthplace

Meeting a Remarkable Teacher

May 3rd, 2020|

I had first taken refuge vows in 1989, but had never been consistent with practice. But Lord Buddha's words stayed in my heart.

Contribute a Story!

We know that Khenpo Rinpoche changed our lives for the better. Do you have a story to share about how he changed your life? There’s no time like to present to share it with us! Instructions are at the link below.